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Our Lady's Girls' Primary School, Deanby Gardens, Belfast


2019/2020 School Year

4th Feb 2020
Some of the Primary 6 & 7 girls enjoyed the soup they made today during club...
4th Feb 2020
Primary 4 became food detectives today. They were learning how to make healthy food...
4th Feb 2020
The girls have been taking on the Job of a weather forecaster. They have been checking...
4th Feb 2020
Over the past few months the girls have been enjoying coaching sessions from Gaelfast....
4th Feb 2020
The girls enjoyed a well deserved treat in our very own adventure playground.
4th Feb 2020
P5LP had a great day learning about Mental Health. We looked at how to keep our...
3rd Feb 2020
We had a special visitor from Cancer Focus NI. We had great fun listening to a special...