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Our Lady's Girls' Primary School, Deanby Gardens, Belfast


2020/2021 School Year

14th Sep 2020
The girls had lots of fun outside this morning. They played lots of games with Damian...
14th Sep 2020
Time for our final group of Primary 1 girls to start school. The girls were so excited...
11th Sep 2020
10th Sep 2020
P4MH have been using lollipop sticks to create different types of 2D Shapes. They...
10th Sep 2020
Yesterday P4MH started their attention and listening programme with Rise. The girls...
7th Sep 2020
Today we welcomed our second group of Primary 1 girls. They had a wonderful day...
4th Sep 2020
Yesterday we had the pleasure to have Ciara from Calmeleons come to primary 2. This...
4th Sep 2020
primary 4 welcomes their first visitor yesterday to their classroom. They loved...