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Our Lady's Girls' Primary School, Deanby Gardens, Belfast


2021/2022 School Year

19th Oct 2021
A big thank you to liberty IT for donating I.T.  equipment. Michael, brought...
16th Oct 2021
Here's a selection of photos from our Wellbeing Day. The children were investigating...
15th Oct 2021
Today, we learned how much sugar was in all of our favourite treats and how much...
15th Oct 2021
Mrs McSteen’s fabulous girl of the week this week! 👏 
15th Oct 2021
We had great fun today making mindful bottles to help us regulate our feelings a...
14th Oct 2021
Yesterday, some of the girls in P7LP enjoyed a cookery lesson during their second...
14th Oct 2021
P7LP enjoyed a lovely well-being day with Mrs Donaldson. They developed strategies...
14th Oct 2021
We have been practicing our actions to show tens and units work!