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Our Lady's Girls' Primary School, Deanby Gardens, Belfast

Letter re First Communion from Fr Darrach

21st Aug 2020

Dear Parents / Guardians,

In the midst of these unprecedented times I am delighted to be in a position to confirm your child’s date to make their First Holy Communion.

School:                 Our Lady’s Girls’ Primary School

Date:                   Tuesday 8th September for Miss McTaggart’s class

                             Tuesday 15th September for Mr Tolan’s class

Time:                     10:00 am

Church:                Sacred Heart Church

We are all aware of how quickly circumstances can change and the safety and the wellbeing of those coming to the church will be paramount.

These arrangements are subject to any change in Statutory regulations and Diocesan Directives.

These are not normal times and therefore there will be some changes to how we will celebrate First Communion.

Please note carefully the following in these circumstances:

  • Access to the church will be via the bottom door in Church View Court.
  • Face masks are strongly encouraged at this time but do not have to be worn by the First Communicants.
  • Each family will be allocated a specific pew and there can only be an absolute maximum of Five people plus your child in each pew.
  • Photography will be restricted in the church but each family can take a photograph or two either as they arrive in the church or afterwards but they will be done in a systematic way.
  • For Health & Safety reasons, access to toilet facilities will also be restricted they would require cleaning after every single use.

If any of the five family members attending is a wheelchair user and/or has additional needs, please let the school know and we’ll make the appropriate arrangements.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as these arrangements have been put in place.

We look forward to welcoming you in a few weeks’ time.

God Bless.

Very Rev Darach Mac Giolla Catháin